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​privacy policy

"Marine Park Takobana" operated by Hokuyo Building Management Co., Ltd. handles the personal information of customers who use it.

Please read this before using the service to understand our policy.

◆ Purpose of collecting and using personal information

1. We will obtain the guest's name, address, telephone number, occupation, etc. as stipulated in Article 6 of the Ryokan Business Law.


<Excerpt from the Ryokan Business Law>

  [Article 6]

1. The business operator shall prepare a guest list, enter the guest's name, address, occupation and other matters in it, and submit it when requested by the official or employee.

2. The guest must notify the matters prescribed in the preceding paragraph when requested by the business operator.

◆ Providing information to third parties

In the following cases, we will provide your personal information to a third party.


1. With the consent of the person.

2. When arranging a reservation on your behalf (eg, arranging a taxi reservation).

3. 3. When required by law (eg, investigative agency, investigation of the daughter of a tax employee, etc.).

Four. When personal information is required and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person in order to avoid the risk of infringement of rights such as human life, body and property.

Five. When it is particularly necessary for improving public health and raising children's health, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.

6. When cooperation with a public institution is required and there is a risk that obtaining the consent of the person will hinder the performance of the relevant affairs.

(Arbitrary requests from investigative agencies and tax officials, etc.).

◆ Responding to information disclosure requests from the person himself / herself

If the person requests disclosure, correction, or deletion of personal information, we will respond promptly in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

However, the application procedure shown below will be carried out.

1. Information disclosure request destination

62-1, Katahara-cho, Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture

Hokuyo Building Management Co., Ltd.

       TEL (0852) 24-5625

FAX (0852) 27-1975


2. Information disclosure method and fees

After receiving the application for disclosure, we will contact you by phone for confirmation, and then we will send you a form with personal information filled in by delivery certificate mail.

There is no handling fee, but you will be charged a total of 380 yen for postage and special handling charges (delivery certificate).

Please enclose a stamp worth 380 yen when requesting disclosure.


3. 3. Disclosure application method

Please apply in writing to the effect of disclosure of personal information. Please write your name, address and telephone number on the document.

Please also enclose a copy of the ID shown below to verify your identity. Send these documents by proof-of-delivery mail

Please send it.

Please be sure to enclose a stamp worth 380 yen for return to the "person in charge of personal information management".

If you come directly to our facility, please bring the following ID to verify your identity.


Four. How to verify your identity

In order to confirm that the requester for disclosure of personal information is the person himself / herself, please present or copy one of the following identification cards.


·Driver's license

・ For foreign nationals, nationality and passport number (a copy of your passport will be kept by us)

・ Other matters that we deem necessary

◆ Ensuring the security of personal information

We will comply with laws and regulations regarding personal information and implement measures to protect personal information. We will appoint a person in charge of personal information management and instruct employees on the importance of protecting personal information.

We also collect information about measures to protect personal information.


  1. 宿泊者から取得したお名前・ご住所・お電話番号・職業等の情報は、最終利用日より3年経過した場合は削除するものとします。

  2. 個人情報保護方針は随時見直し、予告なく変更する場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。

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